Tuesday, June 9, 2009

City Girls in the Country

Can't take the city out of the girls! Christen and Lisa find time out of their busy schedules to spend some peaceful time at the ranch.
No crowds, no traffic, no noise........
but no use trying to take away their cellphones or facebooks! Grandpa tries to get Christen interested in"throwing" food to the fish.
(I think she'd rather be throwing softballs!) Christen sings the country blues.....!
Nana and Christen picking vegetables for dinner.
Hey, I thought these came from HEB!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Madeline and Sophie

Madeline loves spoiling Sophie!
Madeline also loves working in the garden.
She thinks picking the vegetables are like hunting for Easter eggs.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Adventures with Grandpa

Mason and Sophie checks out the pond.
"Bug Boy" is always finding something to show off!
He found a tiny frog in the water while Sophie keeps watch for the catfish.

Mason throws out the catfish food
and then waits for fish to come up for dinner!
Sophie decides to snack on a few morsels while waiting!

Grandpa and Mason discovered a large water turtle in the creek and scooped it up with the fishing net. Mason was so proud of the big catch of the day! There is always something new to discover out at the ranch and Grandpa makes sure Mason is involved with nature.

Every good fisherman knows about waiting
patiently for the fish.
I think Mason is learning this lesson.
A proud fisherman, Mason shows off his fish!
(But you should have seen the one that got away!)
Grandpa always has a lot of helpful tips.....

Mason counts the day's catch.