Thursday, May 27, 2010

Deer Buffet 2010

Today the "buffet" opened! All you can eat - free!
Beans, peas, sorghum and sunflowers grew almost as tall as Wes,
who works hard to make sure the deer eat like kings and queens!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New Ranch Babies

Spring has sprung and we are finding little fawns around the ranch!
Makes me think of one of my favorite Disney movie...."Bambi."

Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow in Huntsville 2010

I thought there was global warming...
Huntsville got almost 2 inches of snow!

Progress on House Construction

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New House Construction

Mason on the bulldozer
and Madeline on the Bobcat!

After two years of living in the "barn", we finally started construction on the new house. It is so exciting to watch each step - the 200 truckloads of dirt brought in to level the pad site, the pouring of the slab and all the lumber going into the framing! Since the house will now be sitting on a "mountain" overlooking the ranch, we decided to change the look from Texas Tuscan to Mountain Lodge. We feel so blessed to be able to build our "dream home" and look forward to making many great family memories. Here's a look at some of the construction (and a couple of little construction workers!)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's 2010

As 2009 came to a close and the next decade began, we spent a few days at the Flojo Ranch celebrating with some of the family. Sitting around the firepit, drinking champagne and roasting hot dogs - deer hunting and riding around the ranch on the hi-rack. Another great year!

Monday, November 9, 2009

2009 Deer Season

Jimmy Spivey returned for another season
and two more great bucks.
This 12-point buck scored over 160!
Spivey said the only problem -
he'll need to shoot a bigger one next year!